**Updated as of 2\/21\/2025. Amounts in USD<\/p>\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t
Oct 11th , 2024<\/p>
We have sent out the 6th round of debt payments today! As previously mentioned, these are still in paper check format, so allow 7-10 days for processing.\u00a0 We’ve continued to add more supported institutions, and have additional new ones queued for an initial payment. Once receipt is confirmed, we open support for all holders to submit debt reapings to that institution.<\/p>\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t
Sept 4th , 2024<\/p>
The 3rd round of debt payments were mailed out today for RPR token holders.\u00a0 We’ve seen great success with the most recent payments getting applied since the architecture changes and have further opened the beta testing group. RPR token holders that are US citizens and have gone through the KYC process in the debt reaping application can submit a debt to be reaped and once approved apply their voting power towards it.<\/p>\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t
Aug 2nd , 2024<\/p>
We’ve just successfully sent out our first batch of debt payments using traditional paper checks! However, there may be some delays in processing due to the current architecture relies on an institution’s routing number, which in some cases have been a corporate office\/headquarters and not the preferred address for processing payments.\u00a0 We’ll be making some adjustments to the application in the coming days to ensure payments get delivered to the most appropriate location for each institution and liability type.\u00a0<\/p>\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t
March 18th , 2024<\/p>
The challenges for submitting digital payments to RPR token holders debts has been tough, but we’re committed to making our vision come to reality. ACH payments have not been reliable, as we don’t get enough characters in the payment memo to ensure it’s applied to the proper liability account.\u00a0 As a short term workaround (until better real-time payments become available), we’re going to plan to implement a traditional paper check method for debt payments.\u00a0 This is something new for our payment processor as well, and we’re working together to build, test, and deploy this capability in the coming months.<\/p>\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t
Jan 31, 2024<\/p>
We have successfully tested our Debt Reaping application in our payment processor’s development environment. As a result, we’ve gained access to their production environment, allowing us to integrate with live banking systems. We are also wrapping up batch processing of payments, and implementing a method for manual verifications for debts that aren’t supported by Plaid.<\/p>\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t
Dec 29, 2023<\/p>
We are moving forward with test payments to the Smoke Testing group, and will set aside their debt reaping amounts from this Reaping. The payments will not be made same-day, but within the next two weeks. Many banks may not process on the weekends so we will also be analyzing payment throughput and potentially move the ‘Reaping Day’ to Mondays in the future if it smooths the process. To be clear, not all Beta Testers will receive test payments this round; only the Smoke Test group. The Smoke Testers will receive test payments relative to their own vote.<\/p>
Thanks everyone for your continued patience.<\/p>\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t
Dec 19, 2023<\/p>
Two years after our initial launch announcement, there is no more fitting time to announce the Integrated-Beta phase of our keystone product. You may now log into: https:\/\/customer.development.dashboard.reaper.financial<\/a><\/p> You may connect your KYC\/AML data as well as one Liability if you choose. Assigning debt and token votes is open; however, your vote towards your liability will not be applied until it is phased in during further beta testing. Our 52nd Reaping was a ‘Token Only’ vote, in which we tested to ensure our legacy product of Burn-as-a-Service has made the transition to our new voting system. Any votes applied to Debt will not count during the 52nd Reaping.<\/p> Looking forward, we will begin intermittent testing of payments to liabilities of U.S. customers only in small amounts over the next 2-4 weeks. Once we are satisfied with the internal process of sending transactions through our payment processor, we will begin integrating U.S. customer\u2019s Debt Reaping into the live Reaping vote, starting with the participants from the closed beta.<\/p> **Please understand that this is a Beta, and by connecting personal data, you are taking the risk upon yourself. The KYC system gathers Date of Bith, Address, Name and Wallet Address, which are encrypted. Bank account information is stored securely within the Plaid system. An incursion is unlikely; however, the possibility is never zero. The risks associated with a data leak are also low, but not zero. Penetration testing is ongoing.<\/p>